Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Half way through March

 Okay, this is my first post in English,  so bare me with my errors.

So, March is half way through and I had time to take surveys, but there weren't that many surveys to take. I just managed to do couple through Ysense and I am lagging my usual $20 per month payment

My last withdrawal was 4th of March and I am currently at $7.48, so yeah, I have a shot to collect $20 within this month, but the pace is a bit slow to get there. Yeah, as I had previously said in Finnish that everything can change in a snap. I mean I made today alone $2.23, so I only need one same kind of day and I am set.

Okay, I have made steady, but small rewards with Suomitutka and I made yesterday enough to "qualify" in my own mindset a withdrawal and I cashed in 9€.

Last payment was a bit over a month ago, 12th of the February, which was just 5.8€, so this was kind a good. When I look back at the withdrawal from that site, it's kind of par with the past. I can expect more surveys from that site.

Maybe I should really put all that Ysense data in a sheet and take a look?

Friday, 4 March 2022

Lupaava alku jatkuu

 No nii, nii no, tänään tuli parit kyselyt pulkkaan ja sitä myöten tuli sitten tämän kuun eka $10 täyteen.

Tuossakin on 3 kyselyä ja €1,86, eli $0,63 per kysely. Aikaa meni about vartti. 

Ja yhtiömme kiittää.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Lupaava alku


Ysensessä on kasassa tämän myötä jo $7,80 ja bonukset vie yli kahdeksan taalan huomenna.

Ja Suomitutkassakin on jo 4,80€ kasassa:

Ja mitä tulee itse blogiin niin saattaa olla että tarvitsee vaihtaa kirjoituskieli Englanniksi, kun on näköjään saanut ulkomailta asti kiinnostusta. Tietysti kun tämä on Googlen tuote, tämä blogger, niin se osaa jotenkin vääntää ulkomaan kielelle nämä jutut, mutta nyanssit saattaa jäädä piiloon.

So, I say to you that read this blog from outside of the Finland, I'll might be start to write in english, very soon.

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