Sunday, 19 November 2023

Survey Saturation

 Saturation, noun

sat·​u·​ra·​tion ˌsa-chə-ˈrā-shən 

Synonyms of saturation

1    a: the act of saturating : the state of being saturated


2: conversion of an unsaturated to a saturated chemical compound (as by hydrogenation)

3: a state of maximum impregnation: such as

a: complete infiltration : PERMEATION

b: the presence in air of the most water possible under existent pressure and temperature

c: magnetization to the point beyond which a further increase in the intensity of the magnetizing force will produce no further magnetization

4a: chromatic purity : freedom from dilution with white

b(1): degree of difference from the gray having the same lightness —used of an object color

(2): degree of difference from the achromatic light-source color of the same brightness —used of a light-source color compare HUE sense 2c

5: the supplying of a market with as much of a product as it will absorb

6: an overwhelming concentration of military forces or firepower

I have noticed that, now when I go through sites for surveys, when I have done in one of the site, then on the other sites there are plenty of surveys, but I either have done it already or I wasn't great match.

It is because there are surveys that are from certain provider and then there are platforms that offer those surveys, and there are plenty of fishes in the sea.

As I mostly do and, which has Timebucks alter ego in there too, I've noticed that when I have done surveys on those two GPT-sites, there aren't that many surveys available in Ysense or Swagbucks for to do.

And there are even more sites to be sign up available in the "surveys". Which is frustating that you think that there is a survey available, but instead it is just an another site that offers surveys that the rest of the sites already offers.

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

Ka-Ching and Ka-Chiiiing

 Okay, I made accidentally huge payday in two days. And with same site, and with same survey.

So, I made this survey with the computer on Saturday and scored 21000 points, which equals $2,1. 

Then on Sunday I made this surveys with my phone and scored 33,775 points, which equals $3,3. And those were the same surveys! Even thought I used the same site and it is the same account, it might be that I made the second time the survey with a phone. I normally take these surveys with my desktop, but I was bored at work and checked out how those sites work with mobile.

I have complete moved to platform. I have all my Finnish surveys platform,, and suomitutka. 

And I haven't done almost none in the I keep it as back up, since the Timewall is just same platform with different name. I can't be bothered to do same tasks again on the other platform.

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