Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Timebucks daily goal list

 So, I have been doing the daily goal list on Timebucks, quite while now and I wanted to share my "work flow".

Since the "hardest" part is to make slideshows as it only allows you to do 1 in every 10 minutes, I start with that.

Most of the time I've found that it just goes back to the Timebucks, so you don't have to crawl through 7 pages of random "facts and news", which each page lasts 20 seconds. That would take 140 seconds, ie 2 minutes and 20 seconds.  But even if needed to crawl through those pages I would so Clicks side by side, since you only need to click and don't actually have to "watch" them the whole time. 

This might take quite awhile sometimes, since depends on advertisers specs, you may need to keep that ad open for 5 to 120 seconds.  And while I am doing this, I start to do tasks. Most of the time side by side too.

I have found few good tasks that you can do hourly and daily. I have added them as my favorites, so those are in the top of the list the moment I open Task-tab.

And somewhere in the middle of these I check that Slideshow task and see if the timer has gone to zero and then click it again.

While doing Clicks and Tasks I start to do Push Clicks. You need to do three Push Clicks in system notifications to have it checked in the daily goal list.

This is the easiest to do, since your computer system "stores" these notifications and you need to "watch" them for 10 seconds. I only click those that are from Timebucks itself. 

And one final task to do is complete an offer from any Offerwall. As I have mentioned many times, I use Hideout.TV for this. I have a laptop for this, and only for this task. Well, I do sometimes whole Timebucks Daily Goal List with it, but main purpose is to "watch" Hideout.TV.

I keep it running 24/7 most of the time. It needs some checking from time to time, as it Hideout.Tv is asking are you still watching or the content might now be available, so it's good to check that out once in a while.

And with that done, I check the last time the Slideshows-tab and do the last one, and 5 out of 6 tasks needed for achieving reward.

All this is done in optimal 18 minutes, depending on few tasks that might take more time. Okay, talking about cost effective, sure you can do better with some other sites, but this is basically guaranteed to get with minimal effort. Depending on how well you do with Hideout.Tv, payout is $0,25+ daily. Yes, those Clicks and Slideshows do add, but we are talking about less than $0,10.

Most of the time I do this while eating breakfast and surfing the web, so it usually takes more time to achieve Daily Goal Checklist, but what else I would do while eating breakfast?

Watching mindless short videos in TikTok? Memes?

Thursday, 21 April 2022

Two thirds gone

 And I am stuck in the middle of my second $10 in Ysense

But then again in Timebucks I am on a roll:

Okay, I added that last payment from March there because it was just two days before month changed to the April. I have made $40 in less than 30 days! That's a new news! Partly, I have to give the credit for having a good streak on Hideout.TV

Now, I have ten days left on this month and I think I can get $50 in 30 days, from Timebucks.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Third of the month passed

 and I just got this month's first cash out from Ysense!

With this pace, I can get $30 in this month. Let's see how that is going to work out on this month. 

Have to say that there is something odd about When my main laptop for was at maintenance, I used my Macbook Air and I did get around the same amount rewards per day, although that good streak was done with my Win10 laptop. While I don't know would that be possible with my Macbook Air, but that Win10 laptop (Acer) is dropping off constantly from wifi. But even with that I still get some decent amount of rewards per day. 

Maybe I should just which to my Macbook and sell this Acer laptop for few bucks. Although I have made more than what I paid for this laptop and anything that I can get is just a bonus.

Currently my Ysense lifetime earnings are: $590.04 

Timebucks lifetime earnings are: $334.39

Overall, I have made $924.43 in two and half years. I know that there are people making a whole lot more than me, but since those sites are mostly for the people in the United States of the America. But for a guy living in small and cold country in the northern Europe it's pretty good. 

Not bad, I guess?

Monday, 4 April 2022

Good Streak

 I had very good streak of rewards on Hideout.Tv, as I managed to cash out over $1 per day in four days in a row.

Okay,  I gathered 1186 Hideout points and since the conversion is ~8 hideout points per cent that  translates roughly $1.44. 

I didn't really thought about it much, since I've had had that kind of days past few time, getting over 1000 hideout points.

But when I got second time over $1 in a two days in a row, I started to notice and, while I got cash out from Timebucks last week, this seemed like there is a chance for getting a cash out in this week too.

Now, third day in a row over $1 rewards and this started to look really good, maybe a bit too good.

And I again, on the fourth day, I managed to get over $1.  But then came the sunday and I got only $0.5 out of Hideout.TV. 

That's still great, but there goes my streak, but I am just a bit over $1 shy of getting cash out in this week, which isn't that hard, since while completing daily goal checklist gets me $0.5 in two days and that means I need to get little over $0.5 from Hideout.Tv and/or other tasks from the daily goal checklist.

So, if you don't already have account, you should sign up right now and you can do it from here!

Friday, 1 April 2022

So it is April

 Today is 1st of the April and I managed to get that second cash out from Ysense. And I am almost half way through my first cash out for the April, as I managed to do couple surveys today that rewarded me $1,88. So this month is looking very good. Also, I managed to get $10 from Swagbucks!

My last cash out from Swagbucks was... wait a minute... how long ago? Last October.

So, that's November, December, January, February and March. Five months ago. Better than previous time, when it took eight months! 

One pro-tip for using Timebucks, is that if you use and redeem that reward to Timebucks, to do one of the six daily tasks, you should redeem that as early as possible.

I have noticed that it takes sometimes quite while to get the "signal" from to Timebucks and I have missed a few times daily goals checklist completion, because I redeemed the reward just before the day ends, and I got that signal from on "the next day". Now on I redeem first thing "in the morning". 

Also find a few tasks and save them to your favorites, that way you can see them on the top of the listing.

Sorry, no April Fools!

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